Ellman Radio Frequency

The Ellman Radio Frequency (RF) technology has been in use for over 50 years in a broad range of surgical applications. Ellman RF units are universally considered as the gold standard in radio frequency surgery, and are being continually researched and revised to provide the best in advanced surgical unit.

At 4MHz, thermal tissue alteration is limited to within 20 microns of the surgical site. That is a factor of 100 times less damaging than conventional electrosurgery.

Advanced Radio Wave surgery works because living tissue exhibits a resistance to the close proximity of the 4MHz of frequency radio energy. This resistance will induce localised heat at temperatures high enough to vaporise the moisture content of the individual tissue cells, causing each cell to be destroyed, a process called volatilisation.

Critically, the patient does not become part of an electrical circuit, and the active electrode remains cold at all times. In high frequency Radiosurgery, the antennae plate, simply attached to the patient’s calf or other muscle mass, picks up radio waves from the small active operating electrode, completing a radio wave circuit. When this electrode is in contact with the target tissue, volatilisation occurs and heat is only induced in that cell. There is a significant reduction in damage to the surrounding tissues in comparison to other RF units.

Resulting from the high-precision and low temperature, there is no peripheral tissue charring or scarring, and rapid healing is promoted. Clinical results have shown decreased post-surgical pain and oedema.


Find out how to set up the Ellman Surgitron Dual RF High Frequency RF Generator and prepare it for use.

Our Radio Frequency units operate, at their highest, at 4 Megahertz (MHz); this is a factor of some 8 to 10 times higher than conventional low frequency electrosurgery. These low frequency diathermy units operate at a much higher temperature than the Ellman RF generators.


A comprehensive range of electrodes and accessories, designed by leading surgeons from around the world, are available for every surgical speciality: including Dermatology, Plastic & Reconstructive, ENT, Head & Neck Surgery, Ophthalmic & Oculoplastic, Maxillo-Facial, Oral, Orthopaedic, Neurosurgery, Dental, Gynaecology, Vascular Surgery, General Surgery, Colo-Rectal Surgery, and Family Practice. Dedicated Ellman Radiosurgery Instruments are also available for Specialist and General Veterinary Surgery

At a Glance

  • Radio Frequency surgery units operate at a high 4MHz- a factor of between 8 to 10 times higher than conventional low frequency electrosurgery diathermy units.
  • Advanced Radio Wave surgery works because living tissue exhibits a resistance to the close proximity of the 4MHz of high frequency radio energy. This resistance will induce localised heat at temperatures high enough to vaporise the moisture content within the individual tissue cells, causing each cell to be destroyed, a process called volatilisation.
  • At 4MHz, thermal tissue alteration is limited to within 20 microns of the surgical site. That is a factor of 100 times less damaging than conventional electrosurgery.
  • Critically, the Radio Wave patient does not become part of an electrical circuit and the active electrode remains cold at all times.
  • In high frequency Radiosurgery the antennae plate is simply attached to the patient’s calf or other muscle mass. It then picks up radio waves from the small active operating electrode completing a radio wave circuit. When this cutting electrode is in contact with the target tissue, volatilisation occurs and heat is only induced in that cell. Most importantly there is no peripheral charring or escar and rapid healing is promoted.

Radio Frequency Surgery Videos

WARNING: Videos show graphic surgical procedures.

Facial Telangiectasias and Syringomas

Oral surgery by Dr Sherman

Dr Constantinides Open Rhinoplasty Septoplasty

Genital wart removal


Tumescent Abdominoplasty

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